About Us
As a reliable business partner
manufacturing ingenious original equipment for global leaders of automotive and refrigeration industries, we work resolutely to improve our business while endeavoring wholeheartedly for a better social life, more fairness, and more equality on a sustainable planet.
From state-of-the-art vehicles that define mobility today and tomorrow to refrigeration appliances that prevent waste of food and energy, our tubes provide the lifeblood vessels for products that bring value to everyday lives around the globe.

About Us
In pride of our deep-rooted past and in excitement of our bright future, we will continue to;
- Improve our partnerships with our customers in our industries for more efficient and innovative products that improve quality of life by meeting human needs in performance, reliability, and comfort,
- Drive the progress in in enhancing our people, our daily work, our R&D and production capabilities continuously, our technologies and to feed our appetite for investment with our culture of sustained improvement and competitiveness in collaboration & innovation, for continuous production and employment in all our operational geographies,
- Set an example with our upstream supplier management practices and with our provision of value for the economy and the environment, and our support and endeavors for social awareness, while achieving our goals and continuing the rapid growth of our business and the solid increase in our brand equity,
- Provide direct contribution to the strategic objectives of companies we collaborate with as a solution partner, by meticulously analyzing their requirements and expectations and developing highly beneficial innovative engineering approaches tailored to needs and necessities, and
- Take steps that will spread through our value chain for our planet's ability to sustain life on it and for a world that provides a fairer, more equal, more inclusive future for all humans, starting with our employees and stakeholders.
BANTBORU at a Glance
BANTBORU at a Glance
Established in 1972,
BANTBORU is a manufacturer of mission-critical pipe systems for automotive and refrigeration product industries. BANTBORU has over 400 employees and draws on its own government-certified R&D and technology capabilities to develop products that are used at critical points such as brake, clutch and fuel systems in 4 out of every 100 cars produced worldwide.
A renown brand as an ingenious and reliable business partner, BANTBORU’s production and R&D facilities at Gebze Organised Industrial Zone and at İzmit Köseköy spread over 30,000 square meters.
As of 2023, BANTBORU is bringing its global footprint to a new dimension with production in multinational locations, establishing production bases in 5 different countries in 3 continents, namely the United States, Germany, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and Hungary.
Thus, becoming a multi-geographic, multi-cultural entity, BANTBORU is set to double its production capacities and share in global automotive market in a period of 3 years, through recent investments and international growth.
As a Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) signatory and a UN Global Compact participant, BANTBORU owns its responsibilities towards the society, the environment and within all its ecosystems with the same universal perspective and an uncompromising commitment that it owns the responsibilities of its work.
Our People
All members of BANTBORU family,
regardless of their position within the company organization, are leaders of the job they take responsibility for. We lead our work by living our Values in line with our Purpose.
Our Purpose comes to life with our three core values, unites us in a common culture, and inspires us towards our Vision and Mission.

Our Values
Reliable in Words:
Our work ethic is built on openness, honesty and reliability. We act in full openness and honesty in all our interactions with our stakeholders, the society and our ecosystems; empowering our relations with reliability. We integrate our word with our work.

Reliable in Forethought:
We act in forethoughtfulness for the society and our ecosystems we fully comply global standards, as well as with laws and regulations in all our geographies, we respect all sensitivities and traditions of all the communities with we interact, we embrace diversities with inclusion. We don’t deter from integrity for people, the environment, equality and justice.

Reliable in Work:
We work together as an improvement-focused team and build solution-focused partnerships to deliver the responsibilities our work, to turn our business plan into consistent results and solid quality, and for the minimization of the risks. We take responsibility for our every action.

Our Purpose, Vision & Mission
Our Purpose
To continuously improve ourselves for;
more added value in our business ecosystems, more production and employment, and a better social life on a more sustainable planet.
Our Vision
To be an industry-leading solution partner who leads the market by exceeding customer expectations and to inspire our stakeholders with our activities.
Our Mission
To make contribution to values brought to life by automotive and refrigeration industries as a reliable solution partner with the high standard, innovative products that we deliver and with our multicultural team that holds diversity in high esteem, while providing sustainable contribution for the society and our ecosystems.

- Türkiye
- Türkiye Kartepe
- Germany
- South Africa